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Film Audiences

Frozen: Box Office

Budget: $150,000,000

Opening Weekend USA: $243,390,000 24 November 2013

Gross USA: $400,738,009

World Wide: $1,276,480,335

Why do Disney films tend to appeal to adults and children alike?

They appeal to each other alike because the adults would have grown up with the Disney films and it takes many years for the second releases for some movies to come out. This will make the parents want to see the follow ups of the movies. The kids like watching the movies because as they are cartoons they can be fun and something to look up to. Such as superpowers and talking toys, therefore the kids submerge in that world.

This tells me that the audience had a wider men viewing audience that was willing to rate the movie. As well as this, it could show that more men went to view than women.

  • With $93 million opening it is the highest grossing thanks giving debut of all time.
  • With 80% of audience composed of families
  • Almost 20% of audiences were non-families
  • $18 million in ticket sales
Animated films offer children and adults are pure simple form of escapism.

Street Dance 3D: Box Office

Budget: £3,500,000 - 2010

Opening Weekend: £2,493,948 (United Kingdom), 23 May 2010, Limited Release 

Many more men have rated this movie and that would link to the fact that they may watch it because of the male gaze theory as the girls are on screen not wearing many clothes. The below 18 audience is very small as well because the movie does not have a gripping plot so they would be very easily bored. 

World’s End: Box Office
Budget:$20,000,000 (estimated)

Opening Weekend USA: $8,790,237, 25 August 2013, Wide Release

Gross USA: $26,004,851

Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $46,089,287

BBFC: British Film board of classification
  • Decided by the BBFC
  • Films require a classification to be granted cinema or DVD release
  • Strict requirements for each classification
World’s End (15)
Frozen (PG)
Street Dance 3D (PG)

Blumer and Katz - Uses and Gratifications Theory:

An Audience wants to:
  1. Be informed or educated
  2. Identify with characters of the situation in the media environment 
  3. Simple entertainment
  4. Enhance social interaction
  5. Escape from the stresses of daily life 
Worlds End:
  • This is a niche target audience that has a limited appeal.
  • They aim to appeal to an older target audience as it is a 15, however, there target audience is definitely one who can take a joke and do not take everything seriously as it is a pastiche film. The Primary audience of this movie could be people that just enjoy drinking and like the other movies in the trilogy.
For this movie I would say that it is a movie made for simple entertainment  and to escape from the stresses of daily life. It is a movie that is absurd and meant to be a funny film which you can become imature again.

  • This is a mainstream movie
  • It is aimed at children, however, it does evenutally appeal to all ages as it is such a big franchise.
  • The secondary target audience is the older people 
For this movie the movie has many uses and gratifications. To be informed and educated on how to act properly as a person. Escaping to stresses and simple entertainment factor.


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