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Film Analysis

  • How real the world of the story appears to the audience - e.g. is it believable
Diegesis/Diegetic world:
  • The world in which the film takes place
  • Placing one object next to another to create meaning
Narrative theory:
  • Theories that categorise narratives and find features to common to them 
Binary opposition:
A nebular opposition (also binary system) is a pair of related terms or concepts that are opposite in meaning. Binary opposition is the system by which, in language and thought, two theoretical opposites are strictly defined and set off against one another. E.G. James Bond and Franz Oberhauser.  

Propp's Charater types: James Bond
  1. The villian - Franz Oberhauser
  2. The helper - Q
  3. The princess or the prize - Madelein Swann
  4. Her father - N/A
  5. The donor - Moneypenny
  6. The hero - James Bond
  7. The false hero - N/A
  8. The dispatcher - Q and Moneypenny
 Todorov's Equilibrium Theory:
  1. Equilibrium 
  2. Distruption of equilibrium by an event
  3. Arealisation that the distruption has happened
  4. An attempt to repair the damage or disruption
  5. A restoration of the equilibrium



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