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Doctor Who Production Roles

10 Doctor Who Production Roles from the Credit Scene:
  1. Production Secretary - Coordinates the various groups and personnel that come together in filmmaking to a movie and video production to make a television show.
  2. Script Executive - are responsible for finding and developing stories and screenplays that will make successful films.
  3. Camera Operator - The person designing the lighting is the cinematographer or director of photography
  4. Grip - They work closely with the camera department to provide camera support, especially if the camera is mounted to a dolly, crane, or in an unusual position, such as the top of a ladder.
  5. Gaffer - In the motion picture industry and on a television crew is the head electrician, responsible for the execution of the lighting plan for a production.
  6. Best Boy - Best boy electric and best boy grip. They are assistants to their department heads, the gaffer and the key grip.
  7. Electricians - AKA The Gaffers helpers
  8. Focus Pullers - A focus puller, or 1st assistant camera, is a member of a film crew's camera department whose primary responsibility is to maintain image sharpness on whatever subject or action is being filmed.
  9. Fight Arranger -  Fight choreography is a specialised technique in theatre designed to create the illusion of physical combat without causing harm to the performers.
  10. Foley Editor - Complements or replaces sound recorded on set at the time of the filming, known as field recording.


  1. Good work, Harrison - you've picked out some unusual roles here.
    Mr Boon


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