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Detailed Doctor Who Analysis

Genre and Audience Pleasures:

Rick Altman argues that genre offers audiences a set of pleasure:

Emotional Pleaures:
  • How does the text make you feel? - Happy, sad, nostalgic etc.
Visceral Pleasures:
  • Gut responses such as excitement, fear, laughter.
Intellectual Pleasures
  • Does it make the audience think?
  • Starts with loew brass instruments 
  • Chabges to flutes and higher woodwind
  • Voices over the top of the backround music
  • Whistles
  • Computer sounds
  • Carnival music
  • Calm music in the backround
  • Diegetic sounds - people talking 
  • Non-diegetic sounds - sound effects, instruments
  • Narration voice - non-diegetic 
Cinematogrophy of Doctor who scene:

  • First Scene - Two Shot, it shows facial expresions, body language, the setting and the two main characters.
  • Second Scene - Long Shot, showing whole bodies of multiple people. They show case the jobs and inportance of certain people
  • Next Shot - Zoomed in shot from previous, showing the people steping out the car - suggests importance
  • Next scene is a long tracking shot that zooms in as they walk down the hall - the camera movies with the character down the hall way, shows that we are following them.
  • Next shot is the medium zooing into a close up of the cube - the problem, the women looks upset which could suggest that it is a bad problem, but the fact that the Doctor is there means we know it will get fixed
  • As we track the charaters it cuts to a close up of the cubes and then moves into a crane shot showcasing many different boxes containing the cubes meaning there are more than one problem that needs to be solved.
  •  Second Scene - Low angle shot to easy show who is closer and the importance of the people steping out the car.
  • High angle shot from above them - still tracking as we are follwoing them through the castle
  • High angle showing all the cubes in there containers
Camera Movements: 
  • 3rd shot is zoomed in camera from the second - still angle shot
  • Zoomed in medium to close up
  • Zoomed - Crain


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