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Advertising and Marketing

Key Terms:
  1. Advertising - Payments from brands in return for the placement of promotional material on pages or during production - could be in the form of commercial breaks, or via product placement.
Digital Advertising:
  1. Display Ads
  2. Social Media
  3. Search Engine Marketing (SEM - Cookies)
  4. Native Ads
  5. Remarketing/Retargeting
  6. Video Ads
  7. Email Marketing
 Traditional Advertising:
  1. Billboards 
  2. TV adverts 
  3. Magazines
  4. Posters 
Above-the-line Advertising:
Where mass media is used to promote brands. Conventional - Obvious and in your face.

My Media Consuption: 



  1. The first part of these notes is fine - it kind of tails off, though, and there's a few key terms missing. Please populate this post with the rest of the terms, and finish off the 'My Media Consumption' subheading.

    Mr Boon


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