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Secotion 1: Ownership

PSB (Public Service Broadcasting):
  • PSB means that the programmes are made FOR the public. There are no ads.
  • PSB generally trasmit programming that aims to improve society by informing the viewers
  • PSB service broadcasters also strive to entertain their viewers
  • The BBC is a PSB
  • Remit - The responsibility of a programme
  • BBC Remit - To inform, educate and entertain 
  • "To reflect the UK, its culture and values to the world" - BBC
  • 75% of the BBC's funding comes from the licence fee (Currently costs £147 for a colour and £49.50 for a black and white TV Licence.
  • The remaining income comes from commercial activities such as - Worldwide sales of its programmes, Publications such as Radio Times and good food ect.
Structure of the BBC:
  • The BBC is a Cross-Media organisation - one of the largest in Europe
  • This means it is vertically and horizontally integrated
  • Vertical Integration - The media company  has the ability to control the production, distribution and exchange (conumption) of a product. e.g. Diseny - the own everything they use
  • Horizontal Integration - The media company has a number of subsidiary companies that are used to support the marketing products 
BBC Case Study: Doctor Who

Horizontal integration on the BBC website as they are promoting other programmes which they feature.  

  • Companies that are both vertically and horizontally integrated are able to create synergy across their output
  • This means that they use other programmes to help promote their programme.
  • Online and Social Media services - through the BBC website and Twitter feed
  • Print media and print advertising - through the Radio Times magazine publication 
  • TV channels - The show can be advertised across the different channels (BBC1, 2 and Radio 1)
  • Merch - A range of Doctor Who merch is availabole to buy
Time Shifting:
Recording of a programme that is watched or listened to after the live broadcast by the parent company. E.G. Sky +1. 


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