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Mainstream vs Niche
Mainstream will have a mass target audience based off of groups and cultures
Niche will have a specialist interest in that product that will have a small audience, they will fall into a specific demographic 

Narrowcasting: Aiming programmes at specific and specialist audiences as opposed to broadcasting to "mass" audiences.

Chris Anderson: The Long Tail Theory
  • Devised by Chris Anderson of Wired magazine
  • First published 2004, then as a book in 2009
  • Concerns mass vs niche products and audiences

Demographics and Psychographics:

In which media producers study the breakdown of their target audiences based on variables in age, ethnicity, gender, economic status/class, level of education, hobbies and interests, and lifestyle choices.
Profiling of audiences based on personal beliefs, values, interests, and lifestyle.

What Are Psychographics?

Psychographics are kind of like demographics. Psychographic information might be your buyer's habits, hobbies, spending habits and values. Demographics explain “who” your buyer is, while psychographics explain “why” they buy.

The difference:

Demographic Information:
  • Female
  • Aged 45-65
  • Married, with children
  • Dealing with issues of weight gain, diabetes, lack of energy or hormonal imbalance
  • Household income $100K+
Psychographic Information:

  • Concerned with health and appearance
  • Wants a healthy lifestyle, but doesn’t have much time
  • Enjoys going online in the evenings, big fan of Pinterest
  • Tends to favor quality over economy
  • Finds fulfillment in her career and family
  • Values time with a small group of friends


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